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6 Proven Steps to Master Your Airbnb Pricing Strategy

Last Updated on 3 months by Mousumi Sharma
6 Proven Steps to Master Your Airbnb Pricing Strategy
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  • There are three methods to manage Airbnb pricing: Airbnb’s Smart Pricing, manual pricing, and dynamic pricing software like PriceLabs.
  • Maximum Occupancy Strategy focuses on ensuring bookings for every available night by pricing the property at the low end of the market.
  • The “Get the Maximum Rate” Pricing Strategy aims to maximize profits by charging high prices during high-demand periods.
  • The right Minimum Stay Strategy emphasizes attracting longer bookings, especially during peak times, to increase revenue.
  • The Gap Nights Strategy highlights the importance of managing unbookable periods, known as “gap nights,” between long bookings. Hosts can use tools like PriceLabs to adjust minimum stay requirements and maximize revenue automatically.
  • Long-term Rentals Pricing Strategy involves renting the property for longer durations, listing rates weekly or monthly. It reduces the effort of finding frequent guests but may generate less profit and require additional agreements.
  • Dynamic Pricing Strategy combines multiple pricing strategies to maximize revenue and fill rate.

How to Manage Airbnb Pricing?

You can choose one of the following methods or combine them to get the best Airbnb pricing strategy for your property listed.

  • Airbnb Smart Pricing: Airbnb has its in-built “Smart Pricing” algorithms that calculate the price of your property based on various parameters. While this seems like an obvious choice, in theory, many hosts complain that it doesn’t work for them and cannot be trusted blindly. Thus, they have to resort to doing their research, which is our following approach here.
  • Manual Pricing: As many hosts disagree with Airbnb pricing recommendations, the next step is to explore the market and research using the Airbnb website to figure out the rental rates in the locality or using a market analytics tool like market dashboards. This research takes time, but you are in control of the pricing. If you are instead looking to automate your pricing strategy, many hosts choose rate automation, which is the next approach.
Airbnb CTA

How Does Airbnb’s Smart Pricing Work?

Airbnb has its algorithm to suggest prices for rentals and accesses multiple factors to suggest your prices. However, Airbnb has access to data most hosts don’t, so it is expected that they can build a comprehensive algorithm. To recommend prices, Smart Pricing is likely to use data points such as supply and demand in your area for a date, the health of your listings, review count (superhost status), and days remaining to book, amongst others. 

Based on all of the above factors, they will come at a price point for your listing for every given day. This is a great starting point, but as we said earlier, several hosts have hit and miss with Airbnb’s Smart PricingMany have asserted that if you use Smart Pricing, there is manual intervention required.  

Airbnb Smart Pricing Review
Airbnb Smart Pricing review

Airbnb hosts can earn substantial income by renting out their properties. The right Airbnb pricing strategy is one of the key factors that determine the success of a rental. Setting the perfect price can be a complex task, but with the right guidance and tools, you can maximize your revenue and achieve your hosting goals. In this blog, we’ll explore the intricacies of Airbnb pricing strategies and provide you with valuable insights to help you optimize your listings.

Understanding the Fundamentals of Airbnb Pricing Strategy

Calculate Your Nightly Costs

One of the foundational steps in crafting an effective Airbnb pricing strategy is understanding your breakeven cost or bottom line. To set a fair and profitable price for your rental, you need to account for the costs incurred to operate your rental. This encompasses utilities, taxes, maintenance, and even your mortgage. To calculate your nightly break-even cost, total your monthly expenses and divide them by 30. 

Remember that many Airbnb hosts opt to add a cleaning fee on top of their nightly rates, so it’s important to exclude this fee from your nightly costs. For instance, if your monthly expenses amount to $2,500, your nightly cost would be approximately $83.

Determine Your Minimum Nightly Rate

Once you’ve calculated your nightly costs, the next step is to establish your minimum nightly rate. This figure should surpass your costs to ensure that you’re not only covering expenses but also generating a profit. While this may seem straightforward, it’s imperative to conduct market research to ensure your pricing is competitive. 

For instance, if your nightly costs are $83, you may set your minimum nightly rate at $100 or slightly higher. However, this figure should reflect the uniqueness of your property, its amenities, and its location.

Market Research on Similar Airbnb Prices

To determine the ideal pricing for your Airbnb, you must explore Airbnb listings in your area that offer similar value and features to your property while considering property type, number of beds, bedrooms, amenities, facilities, and location. 

PriceLabs’ Market Dashboards allows property managers to find all this information in a simple-to-navigate tool, saving managers hours of labor.

The average nightly rate of these similar properties will serve as a benchmark for your pricing strategy. Remember that Airbnb suggests slightly lower prices for new listings to garner initial reviews and rankings. So, if you’re new to Airbnb, ensure your initial rates are competitive, as this will benefit your listing immediately and in the long run. 

When benchmarking, make sure to look at your competitor’s pricing over a broader range of time to ensure you understand the full scope of high and low seasons in your market.

Adapt Your Rates According to Market Demand

Airbnb prices are subject to fluctuation based on market demand, which necessitates the adjustment of your rates. Be mindful of high and low seasons in your destination, tailoring your pricing strategy accordingly. 

For instance, during the high season, consider setting higher rates to maximize profits while offering lower rates in the low season to boost occupancy. Furthermore, elevate your prices during holidays and local events that generate more demand than usual. If you’ve determined that your market often has higher demand on weekends, make sure to protect those valuable dates with higher rates.

Embrace Length of Stay (LOS) Discounts

Implementing LOS discounts in your pricing strategy is an excellent approach to attract longer bookings. By offering discounts for weekly or monthly stays (typically around 10% for weekly and 20% for monthly), you encourage guests to consider extended stays. 

This not only makes your property stand out but also reduces operational costs since cleaning may only be required once for longer stays. When setting these discounts, consider what other property managers in your area are doing and adjust accordingly. This information is easily accessible in PriceLabs Market Dashboards. 

Stay Competitive with Dynamic pricing Tools like PriceLabs

Property managers should embrace dynamic pricing tools like PriceLabs to unlock the full revenue potential of their rental properties. These tools employ sophisticated algorithms and data-driven insights to fine-tune pricing strategies, ensuring that rates are optimized for fluctuating market demand. Additionally, PriceLabs is fully customizable, allowing property owners and managers to have as much (or as little) control over their strategy as they wish.

By continuously analyzing factors such as booking windows, seasonal variations, local events, and competitor pricing, dynamic pricing tools like PriceLabs can adapt rates in real time, thus attracting more bookings and higher occupancy. 

Streamline Your Pricing with Automation

Property managers should streamline their pricing with automation to efficiently manage a growing portfolio and maximize revenue. This automation eliminates the need for time-consuming manual research and adjustments, allowing property managers to focus on other areas that can improve revenue, such as strategic decisions, outstanding guest experience, communication, and operations. 

By automating pricing with tools like PriceLabs, property managers can ensure their rates are always competitive and tailored to market conditions, leading to increased occupancy and revenue. Additionally, automation provides real-time insights and minimizes the risk of human error during data entry, resulting in more efficient and profitable property management.

Monitor How Your Listings Are Performing

Monitoring the performance of your listings regularly is a critical aspect of any effective Airbnb pricing strategy. By keeping a close eye on how your listings are performing, you can quickly identify trends, assess the impact of pricing adjustments, and make informed decisions to maximize your revenue. 

Regular performance monitoring helps you recognize which properties are thriving and which might need attention. It also helps you determine which pricing strategy is working for you. PriceLabs provides an extensive array of performance metrics, with over 40 different indicators to help you assess how your listings are performing. These metrics help you pinpoint underperforming listings, allowing you to take proactive steps to boost their performance and overall profitability.

Six Proven Airbnb Pricing Strategies for Success

1. Maximum Occupancy Strategy

Maximizing your property’s occupancy is a crucial pricing strategy. To do this, you must set competitive prices that ensure bookings for every available night on your calendar. By staying vigilant and monitoring competing listings in your area, you can ensure your pricing is attractive to potential guests while remaining profitable. 

One way to automate this strategy is using a dynamic pricing tool like PriceLabs. PriceLabs allows your to quickly identify opportunities to achieve maximum occupancy while maintaining the correct rate. Additionally, PriceLabs allows you to automate Length of Stay rules so that guests will have the optimal Length of Stay option available.

PriceLabs Neighborhood Data
PriceLabs Neighborhood Data

2. “Earn  the Maximum Rate” Pricing Strategy

This strategy focuses on identifying high-demand periods and capitalizing on them to maximize profits. It’s all about charging premium prices during peak times. For instance, if you own a beachfront property, you can leverage PriceLabs’ Market Dashboards and check out price and occupancy trends and future occupancy trends to identify the most lucrative booking periods. 

By setting higher rates during summer or during local festivals, you can significantly increase your revenue. While your property’s nightly cost might be $150, during these peak times, you can rent it for $300 per night or even more.

Price and occupancy trends graph
Price and Occupancy Trends Graph
Future Occupancy Trends Graph
Future Occupancy Trends Graph

3. Optimal  Minimum Stay Strategy

The right minimum stay strategy is about maximizing the length of bookings, especially during peak seasons. For instance, during a popular festival weekend, instead of allowing one-night stays, you aim for week-long bookings. 

PriceLabs’ MinStay Recommendation Engine can help you determine the ideal minimum stay settings for your property based on market data. By discouraging one-night bookings that can lead to issues like parties, you ensure longer and more profitable stays.

PriceLabs MinStay Recommendation Engine
PriceLabs MinStay Recommendation Engine

4. Gap Nights Strategy

Gap nights or orphan days are the unbookable periods between two long, desirable bookings. These gaps can significantly impact your revenue if not managed correctly. With PriceLabs’ orphan day customizations, you can automatically adjust your minimum stay requirements to maximize booked nights. 

For instance, if you have a five-night minimum stay requirement, PriceLabs will reduce it for a short period to allow bookings that fall within the orphan gaps. This boosts your monthly revenue, preventing valuable nights from going unbooked.

Orphan Day Settings
Orphan Day Settings

5. Long-term Rental Pricing Strategy for Airbnb

Mid-term and long-term rentals can be a stress-free way to generate income from your property. Rather than focusing on short-term bookings, you rent your property for extended durations. You can list rates for weekly or monthly stays. 

While long-term rentals may generate less profit per night, they require less effort in finding frequent guests. PriceLabs can assist in managing long-term rentals by providing data-driven pricing recommendations. If, for example, you own a condominium in a bustling city, you can opt for mid-term or long-term rentals when relocating for work. PriceLabs ensures your rental rates are competitive, attracting tenants while reducing your management efforts.

6. Dynamic Pricing Strategy

The dynamic pricing strategy combines several strategies to achieve high fill rates and maximize profits. With PriceLabs’ Dynamic Pricing Solutions, you can customize settings and automate pricing strategies. With the new Hyper Local Pulse (HLP) introduced by PriceLabs, you can have a more refined airbnb pricing strategy. 

HLP leverages hyper-local data to ensure that your pricing is not only accurate but also adaptable. This means your rates are optimized to match the specific demands of your local market, considering factors like local events, seasonality, and competitor pricing.

Airbnb pricing strategy
PriceLabs Dynamic Pricing


Optimizing your Airbnb pricing strategy is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. To thrive in a  competitive short-term rental market, hosts must adapt their pricing approaches to various factors, including property type, location, and seasonality. With the aid of PriceLabs, you can automate your pricing while benefiting from data-driven insights. Start your journey to maximizing your Airbnb revenue and taking your hosting business to the next level by embracing the right pricing strategy. Your success as an Airbnb host awaits—begin your pricing transformation today. 

About PriceLabs

PriceLabs is a revenue management solution for the short-term rental and hospitality industry, founded in 2014 and headquartered in Chicago, IL. Our platform helps individual hosts and hospitality professionals optimize pricing and revenue management, adapting to changing market trends and occupancy levels.

With dynamic Pricing, automation rules, and customizations, we manage Pricing and minimum-stay restrictions for any portfolio size, with prices automatically uploaded to preferred channels.

Every day, we price over 275,000+ listings globally across 125+ countries, offering world-class tools like the Base Price Help and Minimum Stay Recommendation Engine. Choose PriceLabs to increase revenue and streamline Pricing and revenue management. Sign up for a free trial at today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Airbnb pricing strategy examples?

Airbnb pricing strategy examples include the “Maximum Occupancy Strategy,” which focuses on ensuring full booking calendars by offering competitive rates. In contrast, the “Get the Maximum Rate” Pricing Strategy aims to maximize profits during high-demand periods, capitalizing on peak seasons and local events. The “Right Minimum Stay Strategy” involves attracting longer bookings during peak times to increase revenue, whereas the “Gap Nights Strategy” addresses unbookable periods, strategically managing short gaps between longer bookings. Property managers may also opt for a “Long-term Rentals Pricing Strategy” for extended stays, simplifying operations, or a “Dynamic Pricing Strategy” that combines various approaches to maximize occupancy and profits, adapting to market dynamics.

What is an Airbnb pricing calculator?

An Airbnb pricing calculator is a tool that helps hosts set competitive and revenue-maximizing prices for their Airbnb listings by considering factors such as location, demand, and competitor rates. It can be an automated feature provided by Airbnb, known as “Smart Pricing,” or a third-party dynamic pricing tool like PriceLabs, which offers more advanced pricing optimization capabilities for hosts.

Dynamic pricing in Airbnb refers to the practice of adjusting rental rates in real time based on various factors such as demand, seasonality, local events, and market conditions. This approach allows hosts to optimize their earnings by automatically increasing or decreasing prices to match supply and demand fluctuations. By utilizing data and algorithms, dynamic pricing aims to find the optimal balance between attracting guests and maximizing revenue, ensuring that prices reflect the current market dynamics.
To implement dynamic pricing for vacation rentals, collect relevant data, identify key factors, set pricing rules, use dynamic pricing software, monitor performance, and adjust as needed to optimize revenue.
The aim of dynamic pricing is to optimize revenue and occupancy rates. It is done by adjusting prices in real time based on factors such as demand, market conditions, competition, and other variables. Dynamic pricing softwares seeks to find the optimal balance between attracting guests and maximizing profitability by dynamically setting prices that reflect current market dynamics. The goal is to capture the highest possible value for each booking while ensuring competitiveness in the market.

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